What is Blazor?

What is Blazor?


2 min read

As you already know, JavaScript is the most popular language right now. Everybody uses it, and it can be used for anything, from front-end to back-end… JavaScript gets even more popular when web frameworks and libraries like Angular, React and Vue are recommended and used by many developers. But then, there is another option… It’s called Blazor.


Blazor uses C# and .NET but don’t panic, Blazor doesn’t require the browsers to have add-ons and plugins to run it. It uses WebAssembly. So, let’s get this straight. Blazor is a new web framework based on familiar web technologies like HTML and CSS but then allows you to use C# and Razor syntax instead of JavaScript. Blazor (Browser + Razor) enables developers to build interactive and reusable web UI for client-side applications written in .NET. With both client and server code written in C#, it allows you to share code and libraries, providing a platform to enable the development of vibrant, contemporary single-page application (SPA) platforms while using .NET end-to-end.

That sounds great. But how is it compared to other web frameworks and libraries?

While Blazor is still giving its first steps, it has proved that it is willing to keep improving and hearing the community. Some reasons why you should use Blazor include:

  • Its .NET-based nature, which brings the object-oriented power characteristic of C# language

  • Its server-side rendering (the prerendering) feature, which can highly scale the app’s performance

  • Its fast build time along with live reloading capabilities

  • The ability to work asynchronously in no time and small efforts


When compared to Blazor, other web framework and libraries stand out in some important ways. For example, if you’re a frontend developer, and have never been in touch with backend languages or .NET, going to Blazor can be tricky, since you’d have to learn C#, .NET, and Razor.

But I still think Blazor will have a bright and promising future ahead. I will get started to learn and understand more about it soon.